International Bible Study
The international Bible study opens its doors to people of any nationality who would like to discover the Bible and discuss any aspect of the Christian faith. Exchanging personal views is a key part of our discussions. Around a third of those who attend come from a different cultural background or speak a language other than German, and many have been forced to flee their home countries, such as Iran, Syria, and China (Uigurs). We overcome language barriers with pictures, gestures, spontaneous play-acting, and humour. Since not all participants are familiar with the Bible, we often focus on key Bible passages and fundamentals of the Christian faith. Here, we make faith tangible in all its diversity.
We usually meet on Thursdays from 7-8:30pm in the church building. We email participants about upcoming meetings. If you’re interested, contact us at
We look forward to seeing you!
English-speaking Prayer Group
The English-speaking prayer group meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7.30 pm at the house of one of the members. After a round discussing the concerns of the group, the main part of the evening is a time of prayer about personal matters, about matters concerning the church and those concerning the whole world. All are invited to pray with us – you don’t have to be a native English speaker.
Translation available
Every Sunday.